Giles Barbier

Our Chef

From November 1st our chef Giles Barbier will no longer be with us. He returns to France, to his homeland La Vendée, to begin a new stage in his profession, surely successful and well deserved. This is what we all wish for him.

He leaves his right-hand man and colleague John Edwin in charge, to whom we wish the best at the head of the kitchen in this new stage.

For 8 years, Giles has been an essential pillar in the growth of our small company. Unconditional support, with his professionalism, perseverance, dedication and effort every day to achieve it.

For all these reasons, today is a sad day for our entire team. We say goodbye to a “good guy”, humble, generous, respectful and empathetic. Today we say goodbye to that type of person whom you miss when he is no longer here.

Stephan Benazet